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Men have been covering their privates since the beginning of time and since then the list of names for this particular article of clothing has included: loincloth, braies, chausses, Fundoshi, knickers, drawers, underpants, Y fronts, trolleys, scants, skivvies, trunks, manties, jockstrap, willy warmers, manhole covers, BVDs, tighty whiteys, boxers, and briefs. CONDITION: throw them out if the waistband is stretched out, the fabric is worn out or torn. Blue and grey are sexier than black and stripes and plaid are great for boxers. Here’s a quick synopsis of the AskMen article: STYLE: a combination of boxers and boxer briefs – no briefs allowed. The same articles asked guys “What type of underwear makes you feel more like a man?” The majority of guys said boxers 43%, followed by briefs at 40% and going commando at 13%.

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In terms of what men actually buy? 58% boxer briefs, 18% boxer shorts, 16% colorful briefs, 6% tighty whiteys, and 2% thongs. Only 3% of the men polled said they didn’t wear underwear. The debate over “Boxers or Briefs” was put to the test in 2016 when HuffPostcollaborated with AskMen, who polled 650 men on the subject. We’ve assembled some of the most sexy 'Men In Underwear' images available. Whether in boxers or briefs, a guy sporting just his “unmentionables” is going to get our attention.

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